The artificial hill

From the artificial hill in Moore Park, the hard green, the lack of trees. The eeriness at night. Smoke and steam drifting around the brewery across the big Resch’s sign. The endless traffic. In the day the groups of mounted police riding along the fence on their way to Centennial Park. The tidiness is eerie. This chronic orderliness.
They came back.
– Everything we’ve ever done is busted up. Every token and sign of our activity has been smashed. Our work isn’t tangible or documented but it’s been done and it’s taking effect.
The Irish Moore Park. 100,000 people at the Labor Party rallies for Jack Lang. Down at the stadium, the first Bob Dylan performance which was too late for us. His conviction already changed by money and drugs. But, as the march arrived at the entrance of the stadium, the clarinet hit us, not like Bob Dylan, really meant something, summed up the long thin group marching up William Street and down Bayswater Road. The beginnings of the thing which became the anti-Vietnam war movement.
Bob Dylan at the showground 1978. Cold and knee-deep in mud. Leaving the audience nothing else to do but get stoned and drunk and we did.
The night on the hill in Moore Park. The psychic alienation. Our whole focus directed overseas as though we had nothing, knew nothing and saw nothing. Existentialism was another word for psychic alienation. Eastern mysticism. The new American architecture: Buckminster Fuller. Pop Art. Wave upon wave of Americana. We were battered with information. We were cut off from our own cultures.
Were there any hippy feminists? Yes. We were all hippies then. We weren’t divided up then and it was dangerous.
The green mound in Moore Park. Artificial but big and solid. Hard to understand, this loop we travel on.
– She really encouraged me to leave him but later she married someone just like him.
– Is it like thinking, I mean, is thought like that.
– We were walking along the edge of Moore Park on the footpath and a football spectator ran up and pushed him onto the road almost into the path of a car because he had long hair. This was normal.